Doctrines and Beliefs of the Church


We believe in the verbal plenary inspiration of the entire Bible, including both old and new testaments. We stand firmly on the acceptance of the Textus Receptus manuscripts and that the King James Bible is the divinely preserved Work of God in our English language today.

II Timothy 3:16, II Peter 1:19-21, Psalm 12:6-7



We believe that God is a person, being manifested Himself in three persons. That the Holy Trinity exists eternally in the three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that these three are One God but separate in personality and work.

Matthew 3:16-17, Matthew 28:19, I John 5:7-8


Father God

We believe there is one and only one, living and true God, and that He is an infinite all intelligent being. Spirit the Maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth. As stated before, an equal in the Holy Trinity, with the Son, and Holy Spirit, all equal in every divine perfection and execution and in perfect harmony.

Romans 11:33, Ephesians 2:18, Exodus 20:2-2, John 10:30


Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ has eternally existed as God in every way. We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and was 100% God and 100% man at all times. We believe that Jesus Christ voluntarily laid down his life for fallen man on the cross of Calvary. We believe that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again three days later, and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father.

Romans 8:34


Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit being equal with God the Father and God the Son, as an equal member of the Holy trinity. That the Holy Spirit has always been, and will always be. The Holy Spirit was present at creation and within God’s great plan for the salvation of man, when a person accepts the finished work of Calvary and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, to lead, guide, and direct the believer.

Ephesians 2:18, Genesis 1:26, II Corinthians 3:17



We believe that God created the universe in 6 literal 24-hour days and that all that is contained within. God needed no evolutionary process or assistance to complete His work.

Genesis 1:1, Exodus 20:11



We believe that man was created in the image of God but fell through Adam’s sin. This sin brings upon all mankind both physical and spiritual death. Mankind is now totally depraved, and incapable of personal salvation as well as good works before God. Therefore, is a need of a Savior to cleanse the sinner.

Romans 3:10, 3:23, Isaiah 53:6



We believe that man is lost and must be born again by the Holy Spirit to enter into heaven. Man is justified by faith alone and is accounted righteous before God only through the merit of the Lord Jesus Chris. That being that salvation is by grace through faith, plus or minus nothing. One way only.

Ephesians 2: 8-9



We believe that Jesus Christ founded the local church and it consists of a group of believers, which are also baptized by full immersion, who have assembled together for the purpose of edification, exoneration, and evangelism together for the purpose of fulfilling the command of Jesus Chris in His Great Commission.

Mark 3: 13-14


Second Coming

We Believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming again in the air, and this could be at any moment now: this will repute out all believers. The unbelievers will be left behind and will go through a seven-year period of time known as the Tribulation. After these seven years the Lord Jesus Christ will return visibly and touch the earth again. He will set up His Kingdom of 1000 years of perfect government and righteous rule. After this time the unbelievers of all ages will stand at the Great White Throne to be judged and cast into the Lake of Fire, separated from God forever, while the believers have their works judged at the Judgement Seat of Christ and will spend eternity in the fullness of joy in Heaven with the Lord.

I Thessalonians 4 :13-18, I Corinthians 15: 51-58

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